2 min readJun 29, 2021

Have you ever wondered how many people you would impress if the world was blind?

In a society that’s constantly judging us based on our appearances, it’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to impress others, even at the cost of our own happiness.

In India, the pressure to maintain a certain social status and show off to the world is pervasive. This obsession with appearances has resulted in harmful practices like dowry mongering, where families spend their life savings to impress strangers at their daughter’s wedding. It’s a never-ending cycle of trying to outdo each other, even if it means sacrificing one’s own well-being. (NUMAISH will continue to go on and on and on, with people like these)

Social media has only exacerbated this issue, turning our lives into a constant performance for the world to see. We measure our worth by the number of likes and comments we receive, forgetting that true happiness comes from living in the moment and enjoying life for ourselves. In a study, it has come out that most Indians travel to show off and not because they like to travel.
One needs to post less and live more!

Instead of traveling to show off or posting every aspect of our lives on social media, we need to learn to live for ourselves. We need to embrace our own unique journeys and stop comparing ourselves to others. Only then can we truly experience the joy and fulfillment that life has to offer.

Let’s remember that there’s more to life than impressing others!

Let’s focus on living our best lives, not for the sake of others, but for ourselves. Only then can we truly make a positive impact on society.


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