Are you struggling to make your content marketing game strong?

4 min readJun 29, 2021


Tired of your efforts going unnoticed in the endless sea of online content? It’s time to unlock your business’s true potential with a strong and effective content marketing strategy!

Content marketing is the most gripping method for attracting new and old customers and also for growing brand awareness. But with over 500 million blogs, out there, the struggle to get your content found online is real. In fact, according to a Forrester Report, 50% percent of content is completely unutilized. And the answer to solving this problem just can’t be to increase content production proportionally to the goals target you need to achieve.

To ensure that you are able to amp up your marketing strategy, we have rounded up the top content marketing tips.

Let’s dive into it-

1. Make more targeted landing pages

According to a report from HubSpot, companies see a 55% increase in leads when they are increasing their number of landing pages from 10 to 15. Yes, that’s the power of building more landing pages. The more landing pages you have, the chances to convert the site visitors into leads increase.

Since the landing pages are the portal for your marketing offers. So, for increasing the number of land pages you must keep in mind to increase the offer creation. And also you must curve your offers and reposition the content that you already have in order to procure the individual customer needs.

Here’s where landing pages might fit into your marketing funnel


You can use keyword research tools like Google Trends, Keyword Generator, and Keyword Sheeter which will help you find winning keywords to target.

Landing pages are optimized with one clear goal in mind i.e., Conversion.

2. Update Old Content

Hey, you’ll never want your old content to get wasted, right?

There is a strategy that will help you improve your results without making any new content. Precision Marketing Group by Kate Moore, did an experiment in which they started with a blog post that received a steady stream of about 30–60 organic views each month, then they optimized it using the tips from their checklist. Within just 60 days, they saw a 90% increase in organic traffic.

Increase in organic traffic from optimizing historical content


Impressive Right?

So, the very first thing that will come to your mind is how to select which article to optimize. So, concentrate on-

  1. Articles with high bounce rate.
  2. Articles that had low conversion rate.
  3. Low-clicked and highly indexed articles from the Search Engine Result Page.

These articles will help you attract more traffic with more chances of conversion.

After identifying which content to optimize, you should update your old content and then lastly you should concentrate on distribution and link building.

P.S.: Updating content should be a piece of your approach and not the complete approach.

3. Repurpose Your Content

Reach a newer bunch of audience by repurposing your most popular content into different formats and channels.

You might have created a study guide that performed naturally well, now you might consider creating a YouTube video that covers a similar topic to reach an audience that selects video over text. That’s what repurposing content can do.

Different content format,different channel


Tap into the power of evergreen content. By recommending content that is evergreen in nature, you can create valuable resources that stay relevant year after year, without the need for constant updates. This means you can get more mileage out of your content with a lot less work!

Secondly, dig out through google analytics and see what your most popular posts have been over the past years.

Thirdly, see if you have more to say on a topic.

Repurposing your content will establish that your audience has more than one chance to see your content. It also helps to boost SEO.

Content Marketing works. Yes, it does. But choosing the right tactic could be a battle. This niche evolves every day. Effective content marketing is a path to your successful digital presence. Your audience expects you to at least provide answers to some of their questions if not all. The primary key to ensure that it continues to work is by leveraging new and innovative tactics like those mentioned above. By putting these content marketing tactics to practice, you can make your content marketing game stronger and can get better results. Most importantly, keep track of the data surrounding your content.

So, what are you waiting for? Take action now and try these content marketing tips for some great results.




I'm a Content Strategist and Writer who will help you attract clients by creating revenue-generating optimized blogs!