Seven Tried & Tested Tips for Weight Loss

3 min readJun 28, 2021


As rightly said by Mahatma Gandhi, “It is health that is the real wealth, not pieces of gold and silver”.

Give yourself a pat because you took a step forward in feeling great and healthy about your body. Even though whenever we talk about getting in shape, it sounds like a decade-old thing, but a little dedication can make you see the results faster.

After implementing these seven simple tips in your regime rigorously, your body will notice a huge difference. Try picking one at a time and going week by week, try to ace one skill at a time so that it does not get monotonous for you.

1. Must Try Green Coffee

People say green tea is a must, but what I have felt is that it is a myth. Instead, one should go for green coffee, it helps with effective weight loss. Not only that, but green coffee also helps in digestion, promotes blood sugar regulation, and improves problems such as blood pressure and cholesterol.

Also, according to a review, people lost between 1 kg to 8 kg of body weight by consuming green coffee.

2. Chop Added Sugar From The Routine

Added sugar eats up your body from the inside. It is the most dangerous ingredient in a person's diet.

Not only it increases weight but also leads to various other problems like diabetes, acne, cellular aging, etc.

3. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a way to reduce your calorie intake. In layman’s language, intermittent fasting is fasting for a little longer than usual. It is a pattern in which people rotate between periods of fasting and eating.

According to a review, intermittent fasting can reduce weight by 3–8% over 3–24 weeks.

4. Consume More Fiber Can Make A Big Difference

Consuming fiber promotes overall fat loss.

Fruits rich in fiber may include melon, oranges, berries, etc. and some vegetables may include broccoli, peas, pulses, etc.

A study says, concentrating on eating 30 grams of fiber each day can help you lose weight.

5. Avoid Preservative Drinks

You should avoid liquid drinks because most of them contain added preservatives.

These are known as empty calories because they do not provide any nutritional benefits. Hence, try avoiding it as much as you can.

6. Keep Your Body Hydrated

It was found that people who drink water before every meal lose weight. This tip can function in two ways, either the water will make you feel fuller, causing you to eat less during the meal, or the thirst can disguise itself as hunger, causing you to eat more. Starting today, then?

7. Add Jaggery To Your Routine

Jaggery boosts your metabolism. It has a natural sweetness in it, which energizes your body and helps you maintain your body weight.

Jaggery also helps women fight PMS symptoms, including menstrual cramps and abdominal pain.

Staying healthy and active is a crucial part of a happy life. As it is rightly said, survival of the fittest is a very necessary thing in today’s culture, and this will also increase your chance of a long life.

Cheers to a fitter and healthier tomorrow!




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