3 min readJun 28, 2021

What would happen if the world went vegan overnight?

Eating is a necessity, but eating healthy is an art!

A vegan is a person who stays away from animal products for the sake of health, the environment, and ethical reasons. According to a report, there’s been an increase of 600% in the number of people identifying as vegan in the US in the last three years.

What is a vegan diet?

A vegan diet is a completely plant-based diet including-

Vegetables and fruits

Seeds and nuts

Legumes (beans, peas, lentils)

Dairy alternatives (coconut milk, almond milk, soymilk)

Bread and rice, etc.

Let’s see some of the benefits of being vegan.

1. Weight Loss

Vegans have fewer calories as compared to non-vegans, so it becomes easier for them to stay in shape.

Body mass index is also lower for these people.

High-fat plant-based food which is often referred to as junk vegan food can lead to unhealthy weight gain.

2. Reduces the risk of cancer

According to a recent study, eating vegan can reduce the risk of cancer by 15%.

It was also found that vegans have increased concentrations of antioxidant carotenoids, higher omega-3 fatty acids, and lower levels of saturated fatty acids, these all are the sign of positive health.

3. Helps avoid Type 2 Diabetes

Research says that people who included more fruits and vegetables in their diet are not prone to the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. So, consuming more and more plant-based food is a must.

4. Good for the heart

Sufficient consumption of plant-based food reduces the risk of almost all diseases and so in the case of heart disease.

All those products which have high cholesterol levels including cheese, butter, and meat, increase the risk of heart disease.

5. Get healthy & glowing skin

Who would say no to glowing healthy skin?

Many studies have shown that the consumption of dairy products gives birth to acne on the skin. And being vegan you already ditch dairy products and consume more fruits and vegetables which is the path to glowing skin from within.

Ensuring a healthy body requires the intake of essential nutrients. These vital substances play a crucial role in supporting various bodily functions and promoting overall well-being. From vitamins and minerals to proteins and fats, each nutrient serves a specific purpose in maintaining optimal health. Proper nutrition is the foundation for a strong immune system, improved energy levels, enhanced cognitive function, and the prevention of various diseases. By prioritizing a well-balanced diet rich in important nutrients, individuals can pave the way for a healthier and more vibrant life.

Important nutrients are a must for a healthy body, let’s have a look at some of them.

1. Calcium

Calcium is vital for bone health. Chia seeds, almonds, tofu, and sunflower seeds will help to keep the level of calcium on point.

2. Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B 12 is found mostly in animals so often it is found challenging for vegans. So, for that the vegans stock upon fortified cereals, fortified rice, and soy drinks as supplements.

3. Iron

Fresh fruits have a good amount of iron but for vegans, it is recommended to have dried fruits, black-eyed peas.

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D protects against some chronic health conditions such as cancer. Sunlight also boosts vitamin D levels. It also strengthens the bones and teeth.

As it is rightly said that veganism is not some mundane diet choice, it is the difference between enslavement and freedom, torture and peace, death and life!


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